A Special Message for ACOM Customers

The coronavirus is transforming the way organizations conduct daily businesses operations and how they need to function today and in the future. The “new normal” will require an upgraded technical infrastructure, increased use of video conferencing, upgraded storage capability, and a higher level of remote access and sharing of transactional documents and business information.

For many employees, the biggest post-coronavirus change is that they will return to the office environment. Other employees will adopt permanent work-from-home status. According to Gartner Research, approximately ¼ of employers expect 10% of their workers to continue to work from home post-crisis; another 17% of employers expect that 20% of their employees will continue to work remotely.

Regardless of your post-pandemic work environments, employees will need access to the same data and documents, and that access needs to be both transparent and secure. A new digital workspace, and one that isn’t defined by physical boundaries. EZContentManager software gives you the flexibility to provide your staff immediate and secure access to your critical documents from anywhere, while making it easy for you to adapt to the “new normal.”

EZContentManager – 60% Off Limited Time Offer

We also understand the economic challenges brought on by this crisis and want to step-up with a limited time offer of 60% reduction in the cost of EZContentManager software, exclusive for ACOM customers.

Please contact us for more  information EZCMSupport@acom.com

As always, we appreciate your business and remain committed to supporting you.

Our best regards and stay safe,
The ACOM Management Team



ACOM Solutions